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A site designed to help families and small groups develop plans and support structures when dealing with stressful situations.
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The links below are to read only pages created to serve as examples of how can be used. What you create can only be shared with those you choose and will not appear here.

When a user creates and account and sets up a page, he/she has full ability to edit, add, and remove content. He/she then can share read only access to others.

# Name and link Description
1. Support Suzie This is a fictitious scenario based on a real situation of a bipolar woman who also suffers from alzheimer's.
2. Assist Sharon with cancer treatments This is a fictitious scenario loosely based on support several of us are providing to a good friend.
3. Help John Jeffers get out of debt This is a fictitious scenario about John Jeffers, who is annoying his friends by constantly hitting them up for money.

(More scenarios forthcoming.)